Empowering Pastors
Pastor Training School - Motorcycles & Horses - Church Construction
Pastor Training School
To fulfill the Great Commission and reach the remote villages in the mountains of western Honduras, an army of trained pastors is needed. We help with the training.
Something we believe very strongly about missions work is that, even after 20 years in Honduras, we are still foreigners and outsiders and will always have a difficult time effectively connecting with the local community. The best people for this job are the local pastors. One of our most important goals at Sowers4Pastors is empowering the local pastors to spread the Gospel and reach the lost in their own communities, as well as in neighboring communities. These pastors live and work in these villages, facing the same struggles and hardships as the people they minister to, making them more effective ambassadors for Christ. One of the struggles they face is lack of access to Biblical education, so we have responded to this need by facilitating a Bible training school.
Many of the pastors we work with only have a 6th grade education or less, and most do not have any seminary training beyond what we have managed to provide for them. We are extremely grateful to Clay Powell for his ongoing work in teaching these pastors.
Motorcycles and Horses for Pastors
Empowering pastors to make a greater impact in their ministries, through helping them with their transportation needs.
Pastors working in the mountains of western Honduras generally lead multiple small congregations in different villages. Upgraded transportation – which is to say, something better than walking – improves their ability to serve the people in these different locations.
We help pastors acquire motorcycles to use in their ministry and evangelism work.
Some pastors work in locations where there are no roads, and the terrain is too rugged for access with a motorcycle. For this reason, we also assist pastors in purchasing horses for transportation.
Church Construction
Houses in the mountain villages are small, and newly-planted churches tend to quickly outgrow the homes available for their services. We help pastors and their congregations with the construction of an adequate building for their needs.
Sowers4Pastors helps pastors and their congregations when it’s time for them to build a church building. Our policy is to help specifically with the cost of putting on the roof. Because most of the churches in the mountains are built of locally-made adobe bricks, there is very little cost to putting up walls. Once the church has the walls up, and have met our requirement that they pour a concrete band around the top of the adobe walls, we purchase the materials for their roof. With walls and a roof, the congregation can begin to use the building, even as they complete the construction.
We believe it is important that we not step in and give a congregation a church building as a gift. The process of raising the funds, donating the labor, and building it for themselves is an important part of process, ensuring that the church body has a level of ownership and a desire to finish and maintain the building. Additionally, we are able to help more churches, because we limit the amount of financial help we give to each congregation.